Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pitching Salesforce CRM of the future. With the integration of this tool in our organization, we can bring autonomy, and mobility to our sales force. We can provide better customer service to our clients and concentrate a better percentage of our energy toward new business development. We can cut our software application expenditures we no longer own and we don't have to outsource to adapt the software to our needs and we cut down on maintenance and up keep of our software. We also save on training because we don't have to commit the human resource dept to provide that function. Salesforce will be a better fit from the top down.

Salesforce Licensing and modeling

Salesforce licensing and modeling is designed as such that allows for small business to take advantage of programs and services that it has to offer that ordinarily but not be available to them. It also allows for future expansion and to pick and choose those applications that are critical to their business.

Cloud Computing

With the fabric of business today changing constanttly and at rate that is mind boggling, businesses and even consumers are looking for avenuess and opportunities that will give them the comppetitive edge. Cloud computing is the new stage or tool that we can look to that provides us with that edge. Cloud computing can allow us to have access to information at a moments notice, provide us with better time management capabilities and a resource to meet cusotmers needs

Cloud computing is a resource that is already being adopted by business and consumers in today's market. We have the capcity to store music and our hard drive files with and CRM applications with and even social networking websites all are examples of cloud computing in today's marketplace.

Sales force - Disadvantage

Critical disadvantages of Salesforce that can crop up would be that, we become limited by the administrative restrictions placed upon us, connectivity issues and security and privacy concerns.
Administration restrictions are important but too much and we limit the creativity and stifle the ability to do our jobs, access to critical information may hinder how we negotiate and deal with clients.
Connectivity becomes a major issue when trying to access our account, we could be on the phone with a client and there may be information that may vital in our discussion and we are unable to deal with that presently.
Our customers and partners entrust us with key and valuable information about their business and they look to us to safeguard and protect that information. By using a third party to host that information we need to ensure that they have similar ideologies and protection in place that we would ordinarily have.

Salesforce advantages

The advantages to using Salesforce are many. Salesforce can be a powerful tool to any organization that decides to implement it. In using Salesforce I found that it allowed for greater flexibility in managing how I do business, key areas are as follows:

  1. Freedom and mobility

  2. Control and function

  3. Security and privacy

Salesforce allows for:

  1. ease of use and navigation

  2. customization of information and reports

  3. employee usage and time management and efficiency

  4. security and access

Sales reps will have access to a wide range of information such as leads, customer contact info and individualized tasks tailored to their specific needs. Sales managers are able to have access and control over their sales team and individual sales reps and can track their progress, sales, and customer relation activities all the while creating and customizing reports to suite their specific needs.

From the Administrator viewpoint we can customize tabs and how information is viewed and accessed. End users can view and edit information that is specific to them, to the organization, and to their customers.

Salesforce can provide other advantages that are contingent to the everyday running of your business. We gain freedom and mobility, we are not tied to one computer or to one enterprise application that is entrenched at the office as long as we have access to the Internet and computer or mobile device we gain access. We can view and update info, in sense we are in real time. This gives us a better advantage to developing new business and meeting our customers needs.